I went into spontaneous labour at home when my waters broke on Tuesday 25th July 2023 but unfortunately later discovered that our son had pooed so had to be admitted straight away as we both needed to be monitored closely. After 12 hours of labour we discovered that I was only 2cm dilated and not progressing as we’d have hoped so induction was advised. I was hooked up to the hormone drip which start to progress labour and dilation however our son wasn’t happy at all and was showing huge signs of being distressed. Our midwives and doctor closely monitored baby for a while but later made the decision for me to have an emergency c-section. This was music to our ears as we didn’t want any more drama and wanted to know that our son was safe and earth side. We can’t thank the midwives, doctors, anaesthetists and everyone else involved in the safe arrival of our son via caesarean section. Everyone knew what they were doing and the situation was handled so calmly and as dignified as possible. I have nothing but positive things to say about our c section experience and can say there is nothing to worry about if this is the way things go. A hugely positive experience for us and wonderful to meet little one in a calm way.
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